Grossartige Menschen arbeiten an DIVA: das ist der „Code of Merit“
Der Code of Merit ist ein meritokratischer Ansatz für das Projektmanagement und für die Entscheidungsfindung in technischen Projekten. In dem Werk „Die Internet-Galaxie“ von Manuel Castells wird die These aufgestellt, dass unter den Internetpionieren das meritokratische Prinzip eine wesentliche Rolle für die Gliederung einnahm. So geniessen diejenigen das grösste Ansehen, welche durch exzellente Leistungen und positive Reputation, in Bezug auf Innovationen aufgefallen sind. Der Code of Merit enthält Richtlinien zur Zusammenarbeit, basierend auf der Grundlage des Strebens nach technischem Wert. Der Code of Merit von DIVA.EXCHANGE ist hier öffentlich zugänglich.

Der Code of Merit
(englische Originalversion)
A meritocratic approach to project management and discussions. This document outlines guidelines geared towards increasing the technical value of based on the pursuit of technical merit.“
- The project creators, lead developers, core team, constitute the managing members of the project and have final say in every decision of the project, technical or otherwise, including overruling previous decisions. There are no limitations to this decisional power.
- Contributions are an expected result of your membership on the project. Don’t expect others to do your work or help you with your work forever.
- All members have the same opportunities to seek any challenge they want within the project.
- Authority or position in the project will be proportional to the accrued contribution. Seniority must be earned.
- Software is evolutive: the better implementations must supersede lesser implementations. Technical advantage is the primary evaluation metric.
- This is a space for technical prowess; topics outside of the project will not be tolerated.
- Non technical conflicts will be discussed in a separate space. Disruption of the project will not be allowed.
- Individual characteristics, including but not limited to, body, sex, sexual preference, race, language, religion, nationality, or political preferences are irrelevant in the scope of the project and will not be taken into account concerning your value or that of your contribution to the project.
- Discuss or debate the idea, not the person.
- There is no room for ambiguity: Ambiguity will be met with questioning; further ambiguity will be met with silence. It is the responsibility of the originator to provide requested context.
- If something is illegal outside the scope of the project, it is illegal in the scope of the project. This Code of Merit does not take precedence over governing law.
- This Code of Merit governs the technical procedures of the project not the activities outside of it.
- Participation on the project equates to agreement of this Code of Merit.
- No objectives beyond the stated objectives of this project are relevant to the project. Any intent to deviate the project from its original purpose of existence will constitute grounds for remedial action which may include expulsion from the project.
We support everyone and encourage everyone to contribute. However, if you are a shitbird to other contributors during your work on the project, or if you’re found to be inciting violence with your work, then you’ll be kicked out of the project.
This document is adapted from the Code of Merit, version 1.0. See:
Der gemeinnützige Verein DIVA.EXCHANGE, Baar, stellt mit einem barrierefreien und kollaborativen Ansatz freie Banking-Technologie für alle Menschen her. Die quelloffene Technologie sichert die Privatsphäre aller Teilnehmer im Finanzwesen der Zukunft. Das Blockchain-basierte Gesamtsystem ist vollkommen verteilt. Jeder kann bei DIVA.EXCHANGE mitmachen.
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